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Thursday, 18 April 2013


“Ase” is a Yoruba word which means the power to make things happen, while “Olodumare” or “Eledumare”  is a Yoruba word that means the Almighty God,  which the Muslims  believe is Allah in the Koran and the Christians and the Jews  believe is Jehovah or Yahweh in the Torah.

On this background, Ase Olodumare is the superior power of the Almighty based on his superior intelligence to makes things happen beyond the control of any other beings whether human or spirit, mortal or immortal. Ase Olodumare, therefore is the Almighty Authority of the Almighty.

Creation was made possible by Ase Olodumare. It is from Ase Olodumare that every other authority derives its authority just like every other element in the solar system derives its energy from the sun.

The first Ase Olodumare was the divine declaration “let there be light” and that light has ever since that first "Almighty Authority" divine declaration been shining in darkness and darkness cannot comprehend or apprehend it.

Darkness is the forces of evil  and their main goal day and night is to create problems for humanity, they promote ignorance, poverty, hatred ,violence ,human destruction, greed, robbing Peter to pay Paul and ill health, brainwashing, oppression and the like.

It is the forces of evil that makes people pay for what is given to humanity free of charges by the creator. Can’t you see that, it is only the things or elements in the universe that are beyond the control humans that we do not pay for ?  

Things such as sunlight, moon light and oxygen that we breath in directly from the air without any aid. If humans can control the sun and the flow of oxygen we would be forced to pay for sun light and oxygen. Why is oxygen not a scarce commodity like gold ?

Poverty is man made and the majority  are ignorant, they want God to solve the problem for them. 

The human system of governance needs to be reviewed. It is not about socialism or capitalism. It is about a system that allows all to enjoy the goodness the Creator has blessed humanity with. It is about a system that does not hoard our common wealth at the expense of all or the majority.    

On the other hand, a carrier of Ase Olodumare (Almighty Authority) possesses the creative spirit of creation of the Almighty which cannot tolerant darkness within or without. Yes by their fruits you will know them and not by their confessions. 

The carriers of Ase Olodumare are problem solvers. The carriers of Ase Olodumare are not bound by religion, they could be of any religion, the carriers of Ase Olodumare are not bound by tribe or race they are citizens of the world, citizens of the Light.  

My friend, the Almighty will not do for you what you have been   empowered to do. By giving you brain, you have been empowered to think for yourself. By giving you eye, you are empowered to see. By giving you ears, you are empowered to hear, whatsoever you have, has a purpose ,you have nothing in vain.

So Ase Olodumare, the Almighty Authority is not meant to do for you what you can do for yourself, it is subject to the superior intelligence of the Almighty and not to human vanities.

The true laws of the Almighty are unwritten but are seen in daily life in creation. These unwritten laws are Ase Olodumare; they are the unwritten laws which principles govern the universe right from the beginning of life, before civilization and before the art of writing and religion were invented.

Written by Akintunde Esan,
Managing Partner/ Principal Consultant,
Ase Olodumare Chambers 

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